Flora Gardens Primary School

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Letters to Parents and Carers

Remote Learning


Offering free streaming of all their childrens’ books





Classroom Secrets


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 Remote Learning For All Classes - PDF Version.pdfDownload
 Remote Learning For All Classes - Word Version.docxDownload
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Music Resources


EYFS/KS1 Music

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/bring-the-noise/andys-raps-index/z6tjcqt -

BBC Bring the Noise - Animal songs.



A wealth of songs and other music related resources.



Explore the different elements that make up a song, play or clap along with the music and make then listen back to your own version of songs


KS2 Music

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/ten-pieces - Get creative with classical music!

BBC Ten Pieces helps children to open up to the world of classical music.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/bring-the-noise/make-a-jam/zfcd8xs - How to write a song with your children.

https://classplash.de/en/ - Dive in the world of music where you can learn everything about music theory, how to play tunes of billboard’s hot 100 on the soprano recorder and other wonderful things related with music - KS1 and KS2.

www.artusi.xyz - Artusi is a suite of digital workbooks to help students learn the fundamental skills of music theory faster, better, and more accurately than before so they can spend more time pursuing the creative mission of music making and music study.

 Questions regarding reopening of school

Email sent on 29th May 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

In reviewing all the information that is available to me regarding the re-opening of Flora Gardens and deciding when is the right time to do so, I have considered the following:

  1. Has the school managed to put in place the safety measures that we feel comfortable with in order to re-open?
  2. My need to follow the instincts of every father and every parent.

I can now confirm that the earliest the school will re-open any further to pupils, which will be limited to Year 6 pupils, will be Wednesday 10th June. I will review the situation on Friday 5th June and update you, at the latest on Monday 8th June.

Year 6 parents will be called by the staff that are running the classes on the Monday prior to re-opening.

Yours sincerely,

A S Naismith


Email sent on 11th May 2020

Please reply as soon as possible.

Dear Parents and Carers,

I need your help. Firstly, I need to know whether or not you will send your child back to school if the school reopens, and secondly, I need to know what needs to be in place for you to have the confidence to do that.

No doubt you will have heard the Prime Minister speaking on Sunday evening and heard reports about the detail around his announcement that was released today at 2:00pm. In summary, at the earliest and subject to change:

  • Year 6, Year 1 and Reception to return to school on 1st June
  • Nursery children to also return to school on 1st June
  • All primary school children to return before the end of June

We are, at this stage, awaiting guidance on these points, including whether or not it is a full return, a partial return, or on a rota basis. We are waiting on guidance on how social distancing is to be managed with these children in school.  We are waiting on guidance on the use of PPE, and also how that will be procured. We are waiting on guidance from the scientists and the unions that says these proposals are safe. Until we have received the guidance and reassurances, and until it is safe to do so, I will not reopen the school further.

We are working hard on a plan to introduce social distancing at school, to stagger arrival and departure time, and to split classes so there are less children in more space. We have ordered medical grade thermometers, disinfectant, hand sanitising gels and screens to protect office staff. We are continuing to look at how else we can make the school environment safe for both staff and pupils.

I thank you for your support and as a matter of urgency request your views, if you have not already sent them, regarding the two matters I mentioned above.

  • I need to know whether or not you will send your child back to school if the school reopens
  • I need to know what needs to be in place for you to have the confidence to do that.

Please send your replies to office@fgschool.uk, ensuring you state your child’s name and year group.

Yours sincerely,

A S Naismith

Email sent on 27th April 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

If you think you may be eligible for free school meals you can check and apply using this link and filling out the online form: https://pps.lgfl.org.uk/ 

If you have more than one child you will need to complete the form for each child individually. 

Kind regards,


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