Flora Gardens Primary School

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At Flora Gardens, we believe in the transformative power of drama education, where every child's imagination is ignited and their creativity flourishes. The intent behind teaching Drama goes beyond the stage; it fosters empathy, confidence, and collaboration among pupils. Through dramatic play and storytelling, children explore diverse perspectives, develop communication skills and build emotional intelligence. Drama provides a safe space for pupils to express themselves authentically and explore their identities. We aim to cultivate a lifelong appreciation for the arts while nurturing essential life skills that will empower our pupils to thrive in a dynamic world.


Classes from Year 1 to Year 6 are taught Drama once a week in hour-long lessons. Through these engaging and interactive lessons, our pupils are guided through a variety of activities and exercises that encourage active participation and experimentation. From improvisation games to character development exercises to detailed script work, our curriculum is designed to cater to diverse learning styles and abilities. Pupils are encouraged to collaborate with their peers, problem-solve creatively and reflect on their experiences to deepen their understanding of themselves and the world around them. We integrate technology, music and movement to enhance the learning experience. We then provide opportunities for pupils to showcase their talents through performances and presentations. Currently at Flora Gardens, we aim for every class to perform – to the school and to their parents – a scene that they have been working on in Drama once a year, with Year 6 coming together at the very end of their school journey with an hour long musical, which is performed to a very high standard. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, we empower pupils to take risks, explore new ideas and discover the joy of self-expression through the art of Drama.


Drama shapes pupils into self-assured, compassionate and resilient individuals equipped for success in their future endeavours. Through their journey in Drama, children develop invaluable skills such as critical thinking, adaptability and effective communication that will serve them in all aspects of their lives. They learn to appreciate diverse perspectives, embrace challenges with creativity and approach situations with empathy and understanding. As they grow and transition into adulthood, the lessons learnt through Drama will continue to enrich their personal and professional lives, fostering a lifelong love for learning and an enduring appreciation for the power of imagination and expression. At Flora Gardens, we are committed to nurturing the whole child and empowering each pupil to reach their fullest potential, both now and in the future.